The name Jarawee means “pretty little bird” in Djabugay language.

Since humble beginnings in a small gallery in the rainforest village of Kuranda, Jarawee’s products are now featured at world class fashion shows.

The Jarawee story

Briana is a proud Kaantju and Quandamooka with a strong line of family connections from Cape York to Stradbroke Island, in Queensland, Australia including Djabugay and Kuku Yalanji.
Since humble beginnings in a small gallery in the rainforest village of Kuranda, Jarawee’s products have graced the stage at the Cairns Indigenous Art Fair Fashion Show, Cairns Rifts (Regional Indigenous Fashion and Textile Show) Black, Bold and Beautiful in Brisbane, Global Indigenous Runway and Melbourne Fashion week, captivating and amazing international fashion icon Professor Jimmy Choo and his protégé handbag designer, Illiza Ho.
And they are far from the only ones to have fallen in love with Briana’s artwork and design concepts. Jarawee has created personalised hand painted heels for state politicians, customised sportswear for the national netball team, designed logos and clothing for dance companies and sporting clubs such as Northern Pride and developed formal wear for corporate businesswomen and men.
Jarawee’s designs are a reflection and tribute to the beauty of Briana’s grandmother Jane “Cookie” Enoch (née Nichol/Clark) whose people, the Kaantju Tribe, were taken from Coen, Cape York. Her grandmother was never to return to her homeland, so wherever you go with Jarawee products you carry the strong connection of her grandmother’s country with you. 
Briana has a passion for keeping Australian Indigenous culture alive. Her first business was the Din Din Aboriginal Art Gallery which created and promoted a professional platform for young Djabugay Aboriginal artists and artists from other regional areas of Far North Queensland. The drive to nurture in young people great pride in their identity, journey, values and the family they represent continues through her Jarawee label.
Briana wants to inspire young people to work hard and keep a positive mind set, because through this all things are possible. She wants to empower women and men to believe that they are the statement piece of their own lives, and that her products just highlight this. “… For you are fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalms 139:14

Portfolio Showcase

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My Satisfied Clients

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Jarawee produces and customises Rich & Innovative Aboriginal artwork on fashionable accessories. JARAWEE has infused her love for fashion and culture by personalising hand painted Fashion accessories that customers connect to.

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